Guillermo García Calvo: four concerts with the Orquestra Simfònica Camera Musicae

Maestro García Calvo makes his debut at the head of the Orquestra Simfònica Camera Musicae offering four concerts in Tarragona, Lleida and Barcelona (Palau de la Música Catalana). On the program, the Concierto de Aranjuez by Rodrigo and Beethoven’s Eighth Symphony in F major, op. 93.

The current General Musical Director of the Teather Chemnitz (Germany) and Musical Director of the Teatro Lírico Nacional de la Zarzuela has just obtained a resounding success in the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid, conducting Las Calatravas, by Pablo Luna, a magnificent score that was premiered at the Teatro Alcázar in Madrid on September 12, 1941 and had not been programmed since.


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